Samples of social media graphics for luxury destination, regional magazine created while creative director at Maui Nō Ka ‘Oi magazine.
Four of forty-four graphics created to announce the gold award winners of a reader-voted “best restaurant” poll. Captions revealed details about the category and winner. The gold border unifies the images and tells users that they are part of a series.
In the summer of 2021, the island of Maui was being overun with rude and disrespectful visitors. In an effort to educate would-be vacationers, I proposed to restructure a 2017 story the magazine published called “Do’s and Don’ts” into a series of social media posts. The beachy aqua green border serves to signify they are a series, captions revealed summarized do’s and don’ts from the article. In an ongoing effort to perpatuate Hawaiian culture, I created vocab card graphics to sprinkle into the magazine’s social feeds. Each issue, I worked closely with a Hawaiian-language speaking staff member to ensure proper wording that reflected timely content. Font is the same sans serif used in the page templates of the magazine and the color is pulled from the branding palette.